Borneo Conservation Project

Sunday, May 13, 2007

An Overview Of Energy Efficiently

While we often think of energy efficiency as the way to save our environment, we also often consider it a costly endeavor. Did you realize, however, that your homes energy bill might be reduced by up to 30 percent through energy-efficiency that includes the purchase or energy efficient appliances and other products? In other words, you can save yourself money while you do your part to save the planet.

Every time you buy a new air conditioning unit, a new washer or dryer, a new refrigerator, microwave, or piece of office equipment, you are affecting the environment, either positively or negatively depending on your choices. Smart choices of products designed for energy efficiency help the air we all breathe and reduce your energy bill each month.

Here is some basic information about how energy efficiency works and why its helpful. A great deal of the energy you consume in your home is produced by local power plants that must burn fossil fuel to create the energy. These fossil fuels might be natural gas, coal or oil.

These fossil fuels also create pollution. This pollution harms not only the environment but ultimately the people, as it causes smog, acid rain and respiratory diseases. Fossil fuel pollution is also a strong factor in changing the climate of the globe.

While we hear a lot about the harmful gas emissions that emanate from vehicles, what we dont hear much about is the fact that your home probably produces twice as much of these emissions as the average automobile.

Opting for energy efficiency through your choice of products that are energy efficient is one of the best ways you can reduce your consumption of energy and thus your distribution of harmful emissions of greenhouse gas. Any household that buys equipment designed for energy efficiency puts a big dent in harmful emissions of carbon dioxide.

In fact, over the lifetime of one of these energy efficient appliances or other products you will have reduced pollution the equivalent of what would be saved by one fewer vehicle for seven years. The use of energy efficient household products reduces nitrogen oxides too, which contribute extensively to acid rain and smog.

The average U.S. household spends about 1500 each year on energy. Energy-efficiency can reduce this bill by 400-450 annually. If youre concerned about energy efficiency and wish to not only save the environment but save yourself some money it will help to know which appliances account for what portion of your energy use and bill.

The biggest, which probably comes as no surprise, is your heat and air conditioning. This is a whopping 45 percent of your energy bill. Your water heater uses up 11 percent of your energy, and your washer and dryer 10 percent. The lighting for your home is seven percent of your energy costs, while your refrigerator is six percent of your bill.

Your dishwasher, computer, monitor, TV, VCR, DVD player and similar equipment each use up about two percent of your total energy consumption. Stoves, microwaves and other smaller appliances generally account for the rest, though at less than two percent of the total each.

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Monday, May 7, 2007

"Africanized Bee" Identifier

Recently there has been much discussion about an invasion of "killer bees." As a public service to our loyal readers, we have created a "Killer Bee" identifier that you may save to your computer, print out and cut to fit into your wallet or purse. Referred to by apiologists as "Africanized bees", they can be traced to 26 Tanzanian queen bees accidentally let lose by Warwick E. Kerr in Brazil in 1957. Mr. Kerr, also known by his colleagues as "Mr. Klutz", had interbred European honeybees with bees from southern Africa when the legendary "Girl from Ipanema" walked by one day and he forgot to close the door to the beehive as he followed her to the beach. Feared for their aggressiveness when disturbed, the Africanized bees, like most living things found in nature, have worth and meaning and should be left alone to live out their Frankenstein existence. Although they are smaller than normal bees, they can be identified by

  • Their gray "hoodies".
  • Their bling "K" necklace (nectar deposits).
  • Their "music", a sound "sampled" from regular bees that incorporates a distinct beat as compared to the more commonplace "drone".
  • Their "dance" as they "hip hop" from flower to flower. Occasionally, when on too much nectar, they will spin on their backs in what scientists call "break dancing".
  • Their tendency to drag their abdomens behind them when walking which
  • Requires them to constantly "hitch up" their abdomen with their hind legs.
  • Still, if you should stumble upon a hive-- which are more often found in underground cavities-- please follow these rules of engagement:

  • Don't "dis" them. Show them respect.
  • Look them in their compound eyes otherwise they will know you fear them and show you no mercy.
  • Slowly back away. (Some apiologists suggest that when all else fails one should consider mimicking their behavior by "flashing territorial signatures". This is done by facing the swarm and spreading the fingers in your hands and "bouncing bee-like" away as you retreat).
  • Please note that "Africanized bees" have multiplied over the last twenty years into pandemic proportions. Today, the Africanized bee can be found on every continent except Antarctica.

    To see the original article and a picture of an "Africanized bee," please go to

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    Tuesday, May 1, 2007

    Has Helping The Environment Gone Corporate?

    It is an unknown fact that for each ton of growing wood, more then a ton of oxygen is released into the atmosphere. An even less known fact is that this only happens in growing forests. Forests where growth rates have stagnated due to age and decay actually use up more oxygen than it produces. When taking this into consideration, the use of renewable plantations for our furniture makes very good sense. Every tree we grow in our plantations produces more oxygen than an existing growth-stagnated tree in the forest. And every time we cut one plantation tree down, we replace it with several new ones to continue the cycle.

    So, when people ask me about the damage our furniture inflicts on our environment I can't resist but to set them straight with the facts.

    Recently however, with all of the news reports of strange and unusual weather phenomena's all around the world, I could not avoid asking myself if there is anything more we can do. Having an already tiny environmental damage footprint does not mean we are not able to do more. Don't get me wrong; I am not wholly convinced that the recent weather changes are not just a natural cycle of our earth, but what if it is not? The problem is that when we eventually find out the real cause, it might be too late to do anything about it. So, being a pro-active sort of company, we decided to look into more ways of helping the environment.

    I began my search for a recognised worthy charity that I could trust to help us in our quest. We decided that it would be a good idea to get involved with some sort of tree planting schemes for the same reasons we described earlier. So, our first call was the Woodland Trust UK. I called them up explaining that we would like to plant a tree for every customer and dedicate it to them or a person of their choice. On their site they charge £10 for this service for which you also get an attractive card, a window sticker, a certificate bearing your dedication and a map of the area your tree will be planted at. What a good idea I thought! So, you can imagine my surprise and to be frank, disappointment when I was told that as a business, unless I 'donate' to them at least £20,000 worth of dedications (yes £20k!!!!) we would not be able to display their logo as a show of support; we would not be able to mention the fact that we will dedicate a tree for every customer anywhere on the site. If I did not have it in black and white right in front of me, I would not have believed it.

    An organisation, claiming to be a charity is refusing help from a company such as ours because we are not as rich or powerful as their other corporate partners. They quote the following for the reason why; " …Unfortunately due to the time and resources we have to put into commercial partnerships we have to set a minimum amount of £20,000 which I understand is too high for Faraway Furniture…" now, forgive me if I am wrong, but what is the difference between me sending them a monthly lump sum from all of our sales compared to each of my customers individually sending them the money? Surely our way is easier for them to manage as they receive the funds in one lump sum, and only have to send the dedications out in one go to one address? Yes, I admit, I wanted to place their logo on our site to encourage more people to buy from us. But what is so wrong with that? Surely the majority of people asked on the street would prefer knowing their hard earned cash is going to an environmentally responsible company such as ours and not to the less ethical retailers that are springing up all over the internet whose only care is to shift boxes regardless of where the wood comes from?

    It is plainly obvious to me that the Woodland Trust UK decision is purely a monetary one. I saw no evidence of an investigation into the way the company conducts their business and how it compares with the trust's own ethos and guidelines. It seems that unless you can afford to splash out £20K, you are an unwelcome partner for such charities. Maybe, just maybe, they should ask themselves which company is less likely to be in a position to pay such an amount. Company A which does not care about the damage they cause to the environment and are therefore able to take many shortcuts and less than ethical (but cheaper) business decisions or company B which strives to reduce its carbon emission footprint, whether it is by starting initiatives such as Plant a Tree, using more expensive plantation wood only and implementing a comprehensive recycling campaign throughout the business.

    Not allowing this bad experience to deter me, I continued my search. It was then that I found the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP). Without any fuss, I was able to log onto their site, fill out a form and pledge my yearly tree allocation directly on their site. So, during 2007-2008, Faraway Furniture will be responsible for 1000 new trees planted where they are needed most. So, no fancy certificates or stickers for our customers, but they will just have to learn to live with that.

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    Sunday, April 29, 2007

    Bottled Water and the EPA - What is Happening?

    Many Municipalities condemn bottled water and bottled water suppliers for not undergoing the same scrutiny as tap water but this is hardly the case.

    Municipal tap water is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency while bottled water is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration and while some bottled water may contain contaminants and harmful chemicals, purified bottled is 99.9% free of all contaminants. This is especially true for water purified through a distillation/oxygenation process.

    But one may ask whether EPA regulation actually protects the consumer? True, the EPA provides oversight and reporting requirements but is so doing, the EPA merely requires municipal water sources to comply with minimum harmful levels of contaminants, chemicals and other poisons (including MTBE and lead) that can prove harmful to the human body. In addition to the actual water supply, water infrastructure, including water pipes found in homes and industrial uses can add to the level of contamination.

    One thing that the EPA does effectively is publish reports from the tests of the nation's municipal water systems. Often, these reports are characterized by glowing ad copy about the purity of the municipal water but a closer inspection yields more accurate information. Although many municipalities comply with EPA standards note the actual amount of contaminants and harmful minerals that exist in municipal water. Visit the EPA web site at

    As an example, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently released data from its Toxics Release Inventory (TRI), providing information on toxic chemicals used and released in 2005 by utilities, refineries, chemical manufacturers, and other facilities across the nation.

    In EPA's mid-Atlantic region, the 2005 TRI data indicates an increase of 1.5 million pounds of on and off site chemical releases compared with 2004 data. A total of 383.3 million pounds of chemicals were released during 2005 to the air, water or landfills by facilities in the mid-Atlantic region, which comprises Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia.

    Releases in this same geographic area totaled 381.8 million pounds in 2004. Most of these chemicals eventually end up affecting the municipal water supply.

    So the question remains, what is the EPA regulating? Tap water contains contaminants that are harmful and the use of chlorine to kill bacteria, results in foul smelling and tasting water. In addition tap water comes from ground water and springs that are repositories of chemical releases.

    Some bottled water (as high as 40%) is merely tap water in plastic bottles and bottled spring water is often subject to the same contaminant pressure as tap water.

    If you want a healthy lifestyle for you and your family, try purified water using a distillation/oxygenation process. By drinking purified water you are guaranteed freshness and purity and the first steps toward a healthy lifestyle.

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    Friday, April 27, 2007

    Hybrid Trucks Taking Lessons From the Auto Industry Again

    Have you ever considered where all the advances in the Trucking Industry come from? Well you really do not have to look very far. The Department of Transportation did a recent study discussion new technologies coming into the trucking industry right now and how those will improve the safety factor, lower accident rates and save lives.

    For instance lane departure warnings will soon be common on over-the-road-trucks. Also radar which will prevent multi-car pile ups in inclement weather or fog and these devices may someday help trucks drive closer together to save fuel by drafting off each other like NASCAR or the riders in Lance Armstrong's Tour de France.

    Then there are the hybrids where the motor charges the batteries and the batteries run the vehicle. Where are these technologies coming from? The Hybrid Audi scheme is typical now and we are seeing Hybrid Trucks emerge now using these engineering theories. Hybrid Trucks which use a huge percentage less fuel and can take advantage of technology for safety will lower the over all costs of trucking companies substantially all the way around.

    A company that invests in these technologies will easily recover the costs and make a good return on investment in a relatively short time frame. The biggest concern of course is reliability of more complex systems, maintenance, uptime and availability of such trucks which are not quite here yet. It should be obvious that it is all on its way now and will be here shortly.

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    Thursday, April 26, 2007

    Do Fuel Cells Really Cause Global Warming?

    Research has uncovered a rather interest turn of events into the Global Warming Sage. And apparently complications have arisen along with the temperatures. You see Fuel Cells generate a lot of heat during the conversion process; nearly twice that of regular reciprocating engines.

    Solving the Nation's problems with regards to pollution is a wise thing to do, yet if we merely trade one problem for another we have essentially solved nothing. Are we sure we wish to increase Urban Heat with millions of fuel cell cars running around? Hydrogen is also difficult to store and cooling of compressed hydrogen takes energy too.

    Hydrogen collection with current technologies is not really free, as it costs money to collect and separate out. If the hydrogen sits in your fuel tank for three days it could leak as much as 50% and then you would have less fuel because the hydrogen all escaped from seeping out of your fuel tank.

    Storage of hydrogen will not be so easy either because it must be kept very cold. These are just some of the issues that research scientists are working through right now and will eventually get it all figured out, but consider it a longer term goal for about 10-20 years or so. Now there have been significant recent advances and materials such as Carbon Nano-Tubes may be the answer to prevent leakage.

    Certainly having a Hydrogen Collector machine in your garage to take Hydrogen from the air to use to power your house, car and your Artificially Intelligent robotic garden lawn mower of the future sounds interesting and you can collect your own energy - Free! Of course easier said than done, but yes technologically and scientifically speaking it is indeed possible.

    Hydrogen cells for trucks is also somewhat problematic. For the Trucking Industry to see wide spread use of fuel cells we need all the Truck Stops to carry the Hydrogen Fuel, trained mechanics and technicians, limits on finish products liability lawsuits and 100s of thousands of trucks to be built with fuel cells in them. You cannot put the cart before the horse if you plan on moving the Trucking and Transportation Industry into the new age of Fuel Cells.


    Tuesday, April 24, 2007

    EMG Guitar Pickups

    EMG, Inc first started manufacturing guitar pickups back in 1976, known as EMG pickups. Over the years they have earned the reputation for quality, clear sounding pickups used by many professional artists. ESP guitars and Jackson guitars currently use EMG pickups as their standard pickup design. Their high output is preferred by hard rock and heavy metal guitarists because of the pickups higher gain output as opposed to most lower output pickups. Some of the bands and artists who currently endorse EMG pickups are Tom Morrello, Zakk Wylde, Stephen Carpenter, Metallica, Slayer and many others

    The most common EMG pickups are the EMG 81 and 85. The EMG 81 is usually considered to be the lead pickup and is more commonly used in the bridge position, while the EMG 85 is mainly used as a rhythm pickup more used in the neck position.

    Personally I have had great success with using EMG pickups in a Gibson Les Paul and 7 string ESP guitar especially if you are into heavier sounding music. The clarity, deeper tone, and added gain are what make the pickups more suitable. One negative thing about the EMG active pickups is the need for a 9 volt battery, but it's not much of a problem because the battery lasts for a long time. You just need to make sure you replace the battery at least every 6 months because of tone loss over time.

    Installation for a set of EMG pickups is fairly easy depending on the type of guitar you have. With the right tools I was able to install a set of Zakk Wylde custom EMG's in Gibson Les Paul in under an hour. As long as you follow the right installation diagrams for your type of guitar you should not run into any problems. For more information about EMG pickups and to learn to play guitar check out CrazyOldManMusic

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